Before you leave

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To close this popup press Esc.


Do things before the user leaves your web page.

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blm (before-leaving-me.js) creates a global named blm.

The code below will use blm to handle two things:

  • the moment when the user prepares to leave the page
  • the literal window closing (when the user closes the browser tab)
So, just try to close this tab with using the mouse.

// Listen for the page load
window.addEventListener("load", function () {

    // Select the box container element
    var boxContainerEl = document.querySelector(".box-container");

    // *before leaving me* display "Bye bye!"
    blm("Do you really want to leave?");

    // ...and "Hi", the current minute is odd
    blm(function (e) {
        if (new Date().getMinutes() % 2 === 1) {
            return "BTW, this is an odd minute.";

    // When *preparing to leave me* do something
    blm.prepare(function (e) {

    // Listen for the Esc key press
    window.addEventListener("keyup", function (e) {
        if (e.which === 27) {
Check out the documentation