Here is an example how to use the DOM Repeater library. The following lists are rendered. Check out the documentation and source code on GitHub.
My favorite fruits are .
Also, I like these:
<div> <p> My favorite fruits are <select data-repeater="container"> <option data-repeater="item" value="{{value}}">{{text}}s</option> </select>. </p> <p> Also, I like these: <ul data-repeater="container"> <li data-repeater="item"> <label> <input type="checkbox"> {{text}}s </label> </li> </ul> </p> </div> <script> domRepeater([ { value: 0, text: "apple" } , { value: 1, text: "pear" } , { value: 2, text: "orange" } , { value: 3, text: "lemon" } ]); </script>